Friday, December 31, 2010

Memories of 2010

We began 2010 in our upstairs apartment in Brentwood. We were probably wearing yellow underwear.

 I was on a flight to Guatemala on New Years' Day. It was my second trip with the Farmer Solidarity Project. 

I quit my job and took up non-profit pursuits.

I planned and executed (with the help of many, many generous people) a fundraiser for the Farmer Solidarity Project, to help fund a third trip to Guatemala.

I went to Washington, D.C. for the first time.

Brentwood experienced a peak period of violence and residents finally had enough. I witnessed the birth of a movement to fight violence and hold local politicians accountable, which will hopefully continue to grow in 2011.

My cousin Michael made his First Holy Communion.

The immigration debate heated up with Arizona's SB1070, and I witnessed two crowds on opposite sides of the street (and the debate) yell at each other.

We celebrated my cousin Matias' baptism.

I led a student delegation to Guatemala, my third trip with the Farmer Solidarity Project.

My Dad's childhood friend came to visit, and I spent a wonderful day with him in NYC.

I went to Detroit for the U.S. Social Forum and participated in the biggest activist march I've seen.

The family went camping for the 4th of July.

My Dad and I harvested vegetables from our first backyard garden.

I attended a farewell party for a pair of coworkers, and a few months later resumed employment at the law firm I had left at the end of January.

I helped my cousin Camilo move to New Orleans to start his PhD.

My cousin Max was baptized.

I saw K'Naan live in concert with my sis and Rachael.

The very next day, my "seestas" and I went to the So You Think You Can Dance live tour at Radio City Music Hall.

I bought a car.

At my Mom's behest, we started going to a holistic doctors' office, and began a serious effort to achieve health.

I contracted a parasite (maybe) from my cat, and my parents took him to a shelter. He caused a lot of stress, with his fleas and tail-biting issues, and tendency to harass guests. But he was sweet and I miss him.

I went to a bubble show with Maya, Lorenzo, Ana and Steve. (That's Maya's hand in the front row.) Over the summer, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my "babiez" and I was proud to play the part of "Super-Titi" for a while. My bond with my cousin Ana also grew stronger.

We checked off a few NYC bucket list items by seeing the Rockettes in the Christmas Spectacular and taking pictures in Rockefeller Center by the tree.

The day after Christmas, we drove down to New Orleans to spend New Years' with Camilo. An ancient bartender with a young man's spirit and sense of humor invited us behind the bar for a picture.

2010 was a year filled with lots and lots of joy, in large part because of the wonderful babies that have joined our family.

Of course, there are important events and moments that were not captured in photographs or videos. There were peaks and valleys, but most days just flew right past me. Yet this year has been immensely memorable. 

Turning 25 was huge. It forced me to reflect and judge myself. Sometimes I judged harshly. Other times I let myself off too easily. Now I know that I need to:

- visualize my goals (thank you, Fredo); 
- ask for help when I need it (thank you, Rachael); 
- encourage creativity (thank you, Teresa);
- chill out, relax and be patient with people (thank you, Mom); 
- extend the olive-branch and move on (thank you, Jess); 
- remember that there are people who will never judge me (thank you, Joey);
- do what I say I'm going to do (thank you, Dad);
- mejorar el Español, carajo! (gracias, Ivancho);
- try, even if I am sure I'll fail (thank you, Camilo);
- know that there is one person who can always make me laugh (thank you, Steph); and
- love and forgive myself (thank you, Grecia).

I'm ready for 2011.


  1. Si el agradecimiento para mejorar el español es para ese primo tuyo que desde Cali espera el momento de finalmente conocerte, pues debo decir que me siento muy, pero muy honrado... un abrazo, y esperemos mejorar esa comunicación en español, claro que posiblemente te termine enseñando vulgarismos... por lo pronto trata de preguntarle a Alicia que significa ser una chimba... un abrazo prima, sin conocerte y solo mediante lo que filtras en tus entradas se que eres una buena mujer... fuera y feliz 2011 un abrazo!!!!

  2. great pictures! yay for new beginnings :)
